Sunday July 3, 2022
Update: you can also play tennis at the summer party!
The Tsukuba International Tennis Club reserved the tennis court at Yukari no mori from 13:00-17:00 (thanks Akira).
Everybody can play, first timers, experienced players, young and old, good or bad players. Let's enjoy!
Below are more details about the BBQ party itself.
Rainy season is not fun for hiking so we have a summer BBQ party instead.
Everybody is welcome! Even if you have never been on a hike, please come and join. It is a great chance to get to know people, hear about exciting hikes and club activities, and enjoy good times with BBQ together.
Participation is free and TWMC will provide food and non-alcoholic drinks. If you want you can bring a (home-made) dish or (alcoholic) drinks to share.
It might be cloudy and even rainy. Bring an umbrella to be sure. Part of the BBQs are under a roof.
We will be there from 10 o'clock and start preparing, if you want to help please come.
Like making fire? food? turning some sausages? We need some volunteers to help take care of the bbqs.
Date: 3 July 2022 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00 - 15:00
Place: Yukari no Mori
Transportation: You can reach Yukari no mori by bicycle or car. There is parking available.
You can also take a bus from Tsukuba center.
If you need a ride, please let us know. You can probably catch a ride with somebody.
By bicycle it takes about 30 minutes from Tsukuba center.,140.0831523,14z
Hope to see you all on July 3rd,
TWMC summer party: barbecue in Yukari no mori on Sunday July 3, 2022
Though the weather was still hot on Sunday, it was very bearable and in fact quite pleasant under the trees in Yukari no mori.
Some people fortunately came early and had started the barbecue (thanks, Rick and Akira) when we arrived, the shopping took more time than we had planned (thank you, Kumiko, for the shopping).
Many people came, some could only stay for a short while, others spent more time. We didn’t count, but I think at least 35-40 people - hikers, friends, children and tennis players - were there at one moment or another.
It was a pleasure to see so many people, after a long time, as we didn’t have any parties and very few hikes in 2020 and 2021. A lot of nice food was brought and I think the TWMC summer party was a success.
Thank you all for joining and especially Rick and Irina’s husband (sorry, I forgot your name) who did so much ‘cooking’.
Let’s go hiking this summer!