Saturday October 22, 2016
This is the final announcement for the Onodake & Ouchijuku Hike tomorrow (Sat 22).
The weather looks perfect tomorrow but please prepare your warm cloths it might be cold in the evening. The meeting time is tomorrow morning 4:50am at the parking next to the Tsukuba bus station and I will contact to participants after this mail for last minute changes.
This is the first announcement for Onodake (小野岳1383m ) hike and Ouchi-juku ( post station ) this Saturday, Oct. 22nd.
Onodake and Ouchi-juku are located in Minamiaizu District in Fukushima Prefecture, Around this time of the year, we can see beautiful autumn leaves as you know.
< Schedule >
This is car based hike
5:00 departure from Tsukuba station parking
9:00-10:00 start hiking
Start from Ono-tozanguchi → summit → go down through Ouchi tozanguch → back to parking by taxi → Ouchi juku
16:00 - Onsen, Dinner, → back to Tsukuba
Difficulty level: 2 or 3 out of 5. Some parts are little steep. The map time is about 4 hours
< What to bring >
Hiking shoes,
Cap or hat
Lunch, snacks & drinks
Extra clothes
Onsen gear
< Cost >
Food : ask your stomach :)
Onsen : 500 - 1000 yen
Club fee : 500 yen
Car and highway transportation around 3000yen to 10000yen / car with ETC depend on route.
We might get traffic jammed because of the season and this is why the cost is in a big range. The cost include the highway price with ETC and gas for 500km. It'll really depend on the how many cars we're taking and how many people join us. However, we must take a taxi from the finishing point to the car park which will cost about 400 yen per person.