Saturday April 19, 2003
Report 1 by Ajay: Izu hike was really great!!! We started our journey from Tsukuba at 4:16 am on 19 th (wakin' up at early mornin was only the horrible part of this hike)on first day we climbed Mansaburou-dake (1,406m) and Manjirou-dake(1,300m)and back to the youth hostel. dinner was also delicious (I hope for archana too , actually she ordered vegetarian meal but surprised to see crab, chicken and beef in her plate!!!) 2nd day was threaten by rain. But we should really acknowledge the kind cooperation of the rain clouds. We visited southern part of Izu, rock formation (artificial or natural??) and the sea side onsen (we visited the onsen seeing one add, but some thing was missing from the real and add!!!) Thanks Akira for organizing this trip as well as for drivin the long distance.
Report 2 by Roman: Indeed last weekend's hike was really great in every respect. even the weather cooperated eventually. A big applause to akira for the perfect organization and all the driving! And thanks a lot to archana for providing the second car, which made the beautiful seaside hike on sunday possible.
Report 3 by Archana: Ajay and Roman have already written enough about the trip. Here are some additional comments. It being my first experience of driving on mountains, was more of an adventurous drive than hike for me. Thanks Masako for taking over when I was tired. The forests we hiked in have interesting flora and fauna. We had the privilege of being escorted by a forest tree researcher (Akira), who knew some interesting facts about the flora of the region. Regarding the fauna, I guess we were the only creatures(visible) who inhabited the place, if only temporarily. Akira told us about a tree called Ashibi. If the horse eats its leave, it behaves like a drunkard. I am wondering whether he experimented this on himself , or on a real horse ;-), or on both to conclude this finding. Anyway those who are interested in trying this cheap substitute for liquor, might find a picture here and many others. Yu was assigned the task of a special shoot in the onsen. Ajay, objects (or subjects?!) of that ad of the onsen were actually in onna no ohiro!! But since there was too much steam around, and also perhaps our photographer was shivering from fever, or may be she tried Ashibi mistaking it to be an indigenous herb to cure her fever, those pictures aren't clear. I am pasting the pictures of us hikers only - so sorry. May be next time you bribe Yu so that she does a better job.