Sunday May 29, 2022
Let's go to Mt. Hokyo, our favorite for family hikes.
During this time of the year the weather is a bit unstable (rains), and so, depending on our luck, we may have to shift the date a bit.
To remind you: this hike is open for all ages and abilities. People with kids are especially welcome. You can write to me anytime for any consultation. And you can invite friends.
Schedule: Let's plan to start from the Tsukuba station temporary (drop-off - pick-up) parking (free for 20 min.) by 9:30 PM. (try to arrive here by 9:20)
Hike starting point: Let's take the Hiking Course 1, starting from the pond (Hojo Oike). This is the most comfortable hiking course. See the map here:
The Parking will be the Taikan physical activities center (point S in map above).
We will use the toilets here before setting off for walking.
Families coming in cars, who will not join in the car pooling, can come directly to this parking by 10:00 AM (confirm the plan with me in advance). We plan to gather in the parking by 10 AM to start walking.
It will take about 90 min. (up to 120 min.) to walk to the top. There are mountain toilets at the top.
We will have lunch (please bring with you) at the top, relax, take in the scenery, and then walk back.
Covid measures: Covid etiquettes and manners are now well established, and we are all expected to behave accordingly. When walking apart from each other we can remove our masks, but keep them on when walking close each other.
Let me know if you are interested in joining, and if you a car and can give a ride, or if you need a ride.
18 adults and 3 kids (aged <2 to 7 years of age) (in which were included 6 families) completed Family Hike to Mt. Hokyo, Hiking course 1 starting from Oike Pond/ Taikukan parking.
It was a clear sunny day (very fortunate, in between the rainy season), and hot. It became cooler once we entered the wooded area of the mountain.
We went by 5 cars, 3 starting from Tsukuba station temporary parking (at 9:30) and 2 directly to the hiking starting point. 3 participants went to the starting point by bicycles.
After assembling, we started walking at about 10:30. We all walked at our own pace, in small groups. We sat down for lunch at about 12:30 in Hiroba housing an Expo memorial (just before final climb to the peak). It has got two new set of benches and tables.
After a leisurely lunch and finally a group picture, we set out for the final climb to the summit, and made it there by 13:30. By this time all the crowds seemed to have left, and we had the place to ourselves. The sun was harsh though, and we had to choose shades to sit under. We lounged here, taking in the sights of Mt. Tsukuba, Kasumi ga Ura lake and Tsuchiura city, Tsukuba city planes with Tokyo skyline on the horizon, in three different directions. In the other direction Mt. Fuji is visible across the plains in autumn and winter when the sky is clear.
We started walking down by 14:20. The last of us arrived back at the parking by about 16:30. We departed to come back to Tsukuba at about 17:00h.
All in all, everyone looked happy and satisfied.